Steine ohne Grenzen - Sei ein Teil am Denkmal
"Kunstwerke sollen daran erinnern, dass die Menschheit die Aufgabe hat, eine soziale Einheit zu werden."* The mission of Steine ohne Grenzen is based on the vision of jewish artist Otto Freundlich* (murdered 1943 in KZ Sobibor); he had this concept thought out in 1930-35 of building a road of monuments for peace and understandig between nations from Paris to Moscow. "Sei ein Teil" is our project for this year of the 75. date of death in Berlin-Buch and 140. anniversary of Otto Freundlich. A connection reaching over boarders by building one boarder for tolerance, democracy and humanity. In Slupsk, Poland is now a new location of this line of momunents and therefore it's part of this road of monuments. This monument was built by children, teenagers and adults, refugees, artists and citizens from Berlin and Slupsk.
Steine ohne Grenzen e.V.
Steine ohne Grenzen e.V.
Steine ohne Grenzen (founded 2001) is an international symposium of sculptors for peace and humanity. In 12 symposia 4 monuments to tribute victims of nazi regime were built.
Steine ohne Grenzen e.V.
Steine ohne Grenzen e.V.
Steine ohne Grenzen e.V.